ME: my day was okay. can't really complain. sometimes work is really busy and nuts and other times it's simply chill. today, i got super tired out of nowhere around 4:45. left work on time which was nice and went home. had some friends over to watch the results come in from ohio, rhode island, vermont and texas. as i write this, i'm still waiting for texas results. hillary is looking good and has a 2% gain on obama in texas. so exciting and i'm so happy for hillary. god, i hope she gets it! it would be amazing...obama is a good guy and good candidate as well. either would be a refreshing change; hillary moreso to me. showed my pals and lady, this
amazing movie preview on youtube for a 70's flick called "an american hippie in isreal"! you have to see it to believe it! am thinking i should be doing more creatively...starting to feel a wee bit out of sorts without making something; some kind of's been a while and while i've collected my materials, i need, now, only to execute. i am utterly in love with my lady! it's an amazing feeling and wonderful phenomena. i hope we can buy some Mets single game tickets online soon together!

METS: today the Mets beat the Marlins, 6-2. this kid, Angel Pagan (pictured above as a Met and previously, as a Cub), continues to show peeps what's up with three singles and two rbi. the Mets scored 4 of their 6 runs in the top of the ninth! John Maine gave up a run in three and also struck out three. Johan will make his second start tomorrow against the Dodgers. his first outing gave him a one-game 13.50 ERA. but hey--that's spring training for you. rather now than later. there's no denyin'--the Mets are gonna be stupid fresh nice this year. this is Shea's last year and i still can't believe it! gotta see games. heard rumor 'bout the Mets trying to get Prince Fielder?!?! well, word has it he's not too happy in Milwaukee.
The Prince Doesn't Get What He Wants
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