ME: woke up early off and on. woody, becky's mom's puppy slept over and we had a fun time last night. this morning, becky's mom picked us up and we loaded her car with both becky's and my stuff...some stuff went to becky's studio and my house. after that move, we brought things to my storage. as mentioned in yesterday's posting, i had moved things around in effort to get more in storage. so today, what had to, went into storage. it was quite a day, let me tell ya. exhausting. had a cup of coffee (non-decaf) and it made me vomit. felt so out of sorts and sick. then, the rest of the day, i felt hot and cold. stressed and not. lousy. it was like enjoying a hot cup of liquid crack. got back home, watched some of the Mets spring training against the Astros. i had no clue that Victor Diaz went to the Astros during the winter. wild. we used to call him "Baby Manny" as in Manny Ramirez. Maine was very impressive. took a long nap and woke up sweaty and out of sorts still, but better. brought home some work that i needed (and still need) to do. sucks. also have a freelance writing thing for a company i have to do. s***! there ain't never enough time in the day. you'll find i say this a lot. read about bill clinton saying he thinks obama and his wife should run together on her ticket. she likes the idea too. we all do. however, it'd be probably the first time a second placer, approached a first position candidate and ask them to be No. 2 in their campaign. anyways, i love the idea. when obama was asked what he thought, he said, "I think it is very premature to start talking about a joint ticket." and rightfully so. the man wants to be president. i really hope hillary takes it. if it means fighting in state after state, so be it, although it prolongs the process of course and eventually, neither could get the required number after all is said and done! UGH! whatever. let's go hillary! you the lady! anyways...had a catch with becky in the apt and broke the window! my lady's got wicked movement on her fastball! and she can throw better than my roommate (and he's a dude!).

METS: Maine, allowed no hits and struck out four in four innings of work. his fastball looked great and he was fooling batters left and right. i'll never forget his last game of '07...that no-hitter into the 8th inning. god damn...struck out 13 or 14? amazing. Billy Wagner came in to relieve Maine and was great, pitched an inning, striking out two and allowing one hit that rocked off Wright's glove. His fastball was clocked at 94 and he was working with curveballs! i kid you not. the man, whose bread and butter has been his fastball, was working ill curves and breaking balls. and why not? the reliever should absolutely start shaking it up, this way, come september, Ryan Howard can have a 2-2 count and WHOOPS--in drops la curveball. not expected from Wagner at all. nice. Jose Reyes woke up and hit a lead off home run as the Mets beat the Astros 3-0. Valentin looked good at first as did Easley. Victor Diaz, ex-Met, went 0-3 as did another ex-Met, Ty Wigginton.
Pelfrey and Orlando: Who Will Start?
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